Friday 19 December 2008

A bit of a struggle

I have been ill. Realise I've never really been ill before, but this is like nothing I could have imagined springing out at me. Had to cancel wonderful and extravagant holiday trekking the mountains of Oman, as these days getting to the kitchen and back feels like a mountain trek. This has gone on for weeks, months. The first month was desperate, frightening and debilitating. It's better now, but I still can't do anything active without reeling in pain. Work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep. It's manageable, but still often a struggle. But I have finally found a wonderful, lovely doctor who actually inspires confidence, talks to me as if I have a brain, listens and generally makes me want to hug him.

It's made me realize, again, how lucky I have been with my all my colleagues. Everyone has been so kind, although I have not even been able to socialise and make many friends. The head of Primary and my Key Stage leader have been more than understanding. I have felt quite overwhelmed by their support, kindness and help. But despite all this, or maybe because of it, I am so aware that I have not been able to pull my weight. I came out here believing I had so much to offer and found myself unable to offer anything.

So my Qatar explorations have been focused on various hospitals and medical centres. Not my idea of exciting. Despite one heartwarming notice in the Hamad hospital:
"In the name of Allah the almighty and Mohammed his prophet, peace be upon him, no prescription will be given without medical card."

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