Doha is a city under construction. For every completed building there seem to be two more on the way. Cranes top more skyscrapers than roofs. Even in the heart of the city's West Bay there are huge empty plots, or massive foundation excavations. Heavy machinery thumps as holes are bored, dust billows.
There are not enough hot words to describe the heat. Even at midnight, stepping outdoors and standing still, sweat springs from every pore and runs in rivulets down your body. Daytime temperatures in the shade hit the high thirties; in the sun mid-forties are the norm. The humidity is stifling. I suppose I expected desert climate - hot dry days, coolish nights, but no. And it shouldn't have been surprising really, as we are surrounded by water. Aircon is a must, although of course it is too fierce (and noisy).
At the beach club I can sit and melt quietly in the shade before jumping into the bathwater-hot sea. The view of the docks from the minimal beach is a little uninspiring, but it's still a godsend to have this little bit of outdoors in a city built for indoor life. When I bemoan lack of balcony, garden or outdoor pool people keep telling me it's too hot, but I don't get it - it's only too hot for a couple of months. If we worked on this basis no one in Europe would have a garden as it's too cold.
Above: The beach club
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