Customs had opened EVERYTHING. The clearance agents (I have not got the energy to describe my relationship with them and their endless faffing that left everything sitting in the docks for weeks) were left to stuff it willy-nilly back into knifed and torn boxes which were delivered to me gently spewing their contents. I can only imagine the mess that the poor guys (it's their boss I have issues with, not the drivers and dogsbodies) had to contend with. It must have been one almighty heap that meant that things didn't even go back into their original box. Still, nothing appears to be missing, and I've only found one thing damaged - Muda's painting gouged, it seems, by the knife that slashed the package open.
Hugged the big brass gecko from 6H, so pleased I was to find it safe and sound. Wore my EcoTraining wooly hat in the same spirit.
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