Another complicated 5-transfer train journey. It started very scenically, the train criss-crossing the river as it wound its away along a narrow little valley, heading towards the north coast. The water ran rapidly, crystal clear and icy blue. We were snapped by dozens of trainspotters at every bridge - no notebooks and flasks here - it's all photos. By train three, I was following the coast, hills still rising on the other side of the track. Train four was a shinkansen (bullet train), heading south and after a ridiculously long tunnel we popped out into flat land. The journey was punctuated by random snacks and an entertaining JR catalogue - makes 'Innovations' look dull. Duller. More of that another time - I have photos of the weird and wonderful goods on offer! Train five was another shinkansen and then I was onto the Nikko line, chugging gently towards my destination. Which I have to say looks rather nice.
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